ES Warehouse Express shipping 3-7 business days can be delivered to ES & other EU countryies
To save you money, if a product is not in the overseas warehouse it is because we can offer a cheaper price if it’s shipped from China.
We have a huge variety of products covering many categories; our Chinese warehouse is enormous and can stock everything. Our offshore warehouses are expensive to rent per square meter. We only stock the most popular products to save on warehouse costs. If we stocked everything our costs would be much larger, we have optimized the overseas warehouse space and product quantities to offer the best value and speed to you.
It depends on which country you send to.
If you order from UK warehouse to UK and other EU countries, taxes and tariffs are avoided.
But if you order from DE to the worldwide, there may come with some taxes and tariffs.
That depends on what shipping methods you have chosen.
After the goods is shipped, a shipping notice email will be sent to you. Please pay attention to check your parcel. It will contain the tracking number and tracking websites if the order is tracked.
You can also refer to information below:
Air mail with tracking number: //
EMS express: //
DHL: //
UPS: //
Sweden Post: //