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brand new G4 multifunction flash diffuser

brand new G4 multifunction flash diffuser

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The diffuser is used to create exposures of even density over the entire surface of film. Use the diffuser by placing it flush against the front of the lens and exposing through it. The light that passes through the diffuser and on to the film will create an even density across the surface of the film.
Flash straight on if without our diffuser causes the light to go forward only and creates a harsh shadow behind the subject. The flash with our diffuser installed and tilted at 45 degrees gives a nice soft wrap around of light with a soft shadow behind the subject. This fits cleanly over the head of your existing flash, no need for cumbersome attachments, hooks. Try us and see the difference. It disperses the light over a wider area for a softer, more balanced and natural effect than you didn't use before.
It helps to reduce hard background shadows and eliminates the annoying red eye effect.

Semi-Transparent : Diffusing light from flash unit to strew on the object with even density effectively.
Light weight : Convenience to carry out for outdoor photograph.
Perfect Fit : Specific to individual model of flash unit.

100% brand new
Suitable For: Canon 430EX
Material: Plastic
Colour: Semi-transparent
Dimension: 70*45*40mm
Weight: 16g

Package include:
1* Multifunction Flash Diffuser

Package dimension: 200*140mm
Package weight: 25g


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