Do you feel bored in your free time? Do you want to find something wonderful and meaningful to do? If so, this video game console would be your good choice. There are 500 different built-in classic games in it. Playing it, you would gain the fun of your childhood and the fun with your family, which is very suitable for amusement and recreation in family.
Suitable for amusement and recreation in family.
There are 500 built-in classic games, no need for game card.
Support video output to TV with AC cable.
Classic and reminiscent games would remind you the childhood and bring the joy and fun at that time to you.
Mini in size and lightweight.
There are A/TA/B/TB buttons on the machine, which improves the playability for it requires player's higher APM and operations.
Plug: EU, US (optional)
Voltage: 110-220V
Item size (game console): 12.8 * 10 * 4.4cm / 5.04 * 3.94 * 1.73in
Item weight (game console): 137g / 4.83oz
Package size: 26.1 * 18.1 * 8.1cm / 10.27 * 7.12 * 3.19in
Package weight: 762g / 1.68lb
Note: If you order EU plug, we will provide a adapter to you.
Package List:
1 * Game Console
2 * Game Handles
1 * AV Cable
1 * AC Electric Power Plug
1 * Adapter (EU Plug)
1 * Game Menu
1 * User Manual (English & Chinese)
Game List:
AdventureIsland2, AdventureIsland3, AdventureIsland4, MEGAMAN3, LITTLESAMSON, Turtles2, Turtles3, TurtleFighter, ChipDale2, ChipDale3, ContraForce, SuperContra7, SuperContra8, NINJAGAIDEN, NINJAGAIDEN2, DoubleDragon4, LITTLENEMO, HotBloodBasketball, HotBloodHighSchool, HotBloodIceHockey, HotBloodMarch, HotBloodNewRecord, HotBloodSoccer, HotBloodStory, HotBloodVolleyball, Mario6, Mario9, Mario10, Mario14, Mario16, AngryMarionao, DrMario, MarioInSpace, SuperMarioBros3, WreckingCrew, BalloonMario, CircusMario, BomberMario, MarioBros, MarioRunner, SmallMario, Robocop2, Robocop4, GUERILLAWAR, ChineseChess, CLOWN, SUPERMARIOBROS, BILLIARD, Idolshisenmahjang, DigDug2, Gradius, Greeds, PacMan3, CONVECTION, CORRIDOR, SpartanX, Tetris, Tetris2, TheLegendOfKage, TinyToon, TwinBee, Volguard2, WaterPipe, 4Mahjong, BomberMan, CircusCharlie, Galaga, Galaxian, GomokuNarabe, IceClimber, Jewelry, LodeRunner, YS90TANK, BubbleBobblePart2, Ghostbusters, KAGE, PowerBlade, PowerBlade2, BANDITS, ChuDaD, FamilyStadium87, FamilyTennis, FantasyZone, Fifa2006, Klax, Pacmania, JUNGLEEXPLORE, RBIBaseball, RingKing, SuperSprint, Vindicators, WorldCupSoccer, 1942, 80Days, Abscondee, AdventuresOfLolo, AdventuresOflolo2, AetherCruiser, AimCruise, Air, AirAlert, Airway, Aladdin3, AliceCooper, AlienAsylum, BATTLECITY2, AngryBird, AngryBird3, AnimalBlockes, AnimalContest, Argus, Arkanoid, BLACKWHITECHESS, AstroRoboSasa, AVPoker, Babel, Backstroke, BacktotheFuture, Badminton, Baltron, Banana, Battle, BattleBeasts, Battleship, BattleTank, Benthal, BOMBSWEEPER, Blink3, BlinkUltraHard, BlobBuster, BlobMuncher, BlocksWorld, BokosukaWars, BOUNCE, BreastStroke, BrotherBall, BugCatcher, BuggyPopper, BuraiFighter, BusyBar, ButterflyStroke, BWings, BOXWORLD, CandyWorkeshop, CandyWorkshop, CardCaptorSakura, CastleExcellent, BUGBEAR, SHOOT, ChampionshipBowling, Chess, FRANTICMOUSE, ChubbyCherub, Climbing, FRUITDISH, Contest, CookiesLabyrinth, FUTURETANK, CrazyCoonsInCloudLand, CrystalBlast, DangerBridge, BOARFORESTBV, Deformable, Dejectile, DestinationEarthstar, Destroyi, Difference, Doctor, DonkeyKongClassics, DoraeBomb, DoughBoy, Dragon, BUG'SWAR, Duck, DynamiteBowl, EggContest, BURBLES, ElevatorAction, Escapeway, ExciteMarioBros, ExedExes, Fairy'sTreasure, FallingBlocks, FamilyJockey, FatedPirate, FinalBlood, FireDragon, BURROWEXPLORER, FishStory, Flappy, CANNONADE, FlingBall, Flipull, Freestyle, Fridaythe13th, FruitGift, Galg, DANGERZONE, Geimos, GhostCastle, Giabbit, CAREBEAR, GoldenBird, Goodhand, Gradirs, Gyrodine, ROPEGAMES, Gyruss, HammerAndNail, CHACK'NPOP, HappyMatch, HarryPotter, Hassle, HayachiSuperIgo, HelloKitty, HokutonoKen, Hydlide, CLOSEQUARTERS, IceHockey, IceOcean, IgoMeikan, IgoShinan, Pillar, Island, JumpingKid, JumpJump, kamikaze, kamikaze2, kamikaze3, KarateChamp, KeroKeroKeroppi, COASTGUARD, KingsKnight, COBRAOFSKY, KungFu, SHREWMOUSE, LatticeWinner, Lightning, COLCOTHA, LittleWitch, LotLot, LuckyBall, LuigiAndTheChristmasQuest, LuigiAndTheNewQuest, MachRider, MagicEgg, MagicMatheMatic, Magmax, COMBATA, Meccano, Meikun, CONQUEROR, MetroCross, MetroMenia, MickeyMouse, MightyBombJack, Milon'sSecretCastle, MirrorDevilWord, MoaiKun, MonsterTruckRally, MouseSnare, Mowing, MsPacMan, CONTEENEGY, MusicMoment, MysteryQuest, Ninja3, NutCracky, ObakeNoQTarou, Octopus, OnyankoTown, PachiCom, PacLand, PanzerFlyCar, Paperboy, PeekABooPoker, CRYPTCAR, PenguinKunWars, CUTEFISH, PinballII, Pindable, PipeDream, PizzaBoy, PlantsVsZomb, PokerAv, PoliceDog, PoliceVsThief, Polk, PongPong, Porter, PowerRobot, PowerSoccer, ProWrestling, Pulveration, DADA, DEFENSIVE, DEFLOWER, Quarth, RabbitVillage, RiverJump, RoadWorker, Route16Turbo, DEPTHBOMB, DEVILDOMDOOM, DONKEYKONG3, DONKEYKONG2, Scoring, Seamaid, SeaportGuarl, SeaWolf, Seicross, SeifukuHenShisenMahjong, DONKEYKONGJRMATH, DOORDOOR, SkyKid, Slalom, DRAGONDEN, DUNEWAR, Soccer, Sodoku, EIDOLON'SREVENGE, Soldier, FireBase, Solomon'sKey, SonSon, SpaceBase, ENCHANTER, Spelunker, SpringWorld, SpyHunter, SpyVsSpy, Sqoon, Squee, CROSSFIRE, StarLuster, StarSoldier, Submarine, FALLING, SuperChinese, SuperMonkeyDaibouken, FIGHTER, SurfgSport, TcSurfDesign, FIRSTDEFENDER, FISHER, TheLastStarFighter, FISHWAR, TheNewType, ThePenguinSeal, Thexder, ThroughMan, TigerHeli, ToadInTheHole, FIVEDAYS, TowerofDruaga, ToyFactory, TrackField, Transformers, UtmostWarfare, ValkyrieNoBouken, Vigilant, VolleyBall, WarZone, WeddingBell, WildWorm, WisdomBoy, WonderBall, Xevious, 100mDush, 10YardFight, Aimless, AirialHero, AntarcticAdventure, Aquarium, Arabian, Arena, AwfulRushing, BalloonFight, Baseball, BattleCity, BinaryLand, BirdWeek, BrushRoller, Bubble, BurgerTime, CityConnection, Ckaaan18, CluCluLand, CubAdventure, Defender2, DevilWorld, Diamond, DigDug, DonaldMagic, DoraBros, EigoAsobi, Excitebike, Exerion, F1Race, FieldCombat, FinalyLand, FormationZ, FrontLine, GalagaPlus, GalaxyPatrol, GlommyChess, Golf, Helicopter, Hexapod, Joust, Karateka, LongJump, LunarPool, Macross, MagicBubble, Mahjong, MakingLove, Maluex, Mappy, Millipede, Miner1, Motoboat, MoveBox, Muscle, Naitou9DanShougiHiden, Nibbles, NightArrow, Ninja2, BITHA, NinjaKun, NutsMilk, OptimusMinor, PacMan, PacPacland, PentaBase, Pinball, Poker, Pooyan, Popeye, popeyeJ, RaidonBungelingBay, RoadFighter, RumbleAndFrenzy, SansuuAsobi, SeaWar, SilentHunter, SkyDestroyer, SkyInvader, SlackMan, SmallDinosaur, Snowball, SpaceInvaders, Star, StarFighter, StarForce, StarGate, Strafe, TankA1990, Teletubbies, Tennis, ToyStory, TripleJump, TwinBoar, TwinCards, UfoRace, UrbanChampion, Wizzy, Wrestle, YieArKungFu, ZippyRace, SPELUNK, KINGRETURN, OCCULTISLAND, JOKULTRIP, SECTION-Z, STORTIE, HOTBOY, DRAGONQUEST, CROSS-PACIFIC, NIX, BLAZEHILL,JURASSICPARK, BERMUDATRIP, FLYDINOSAUR, HOTMARIO, MARIOANDDINOSAUR, ELFLEGEND, CRAZYMARIO, DINOSAURBALE, GAINER, WISDOMMARIO, SUPERWONDERFULMARIO, FINALMISSION, MANSTERCLUB, HUNKING, COPSANDROBBERS, RAILLERY, GOBLIM, FLAPPY3, RAILLERY3