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Help Center

Payment Methods:
TOMTOP.com accepts PayPal, Credit Card , Wire Transfer, BOLETO, QIWI  as secure payment methods:



1. Login To Your Account or use Credit Card Express.
2. Enter your Card Details, the order will be shipped to your PayPal address. And click “Submit”.
3. Your Payment will be processed and a receipt will be sent to your email inbox.
2.Credit Card
1.Choose your shipping address OR create a new one.
2.Enter your Card Details and click “Submit”.
3.Your Payment will be processed and an preauthorization email will be sent to your email inbox.
3.Wire Transfer
For orders more than $500, please contact us(our email tomtop.com) and provide us with the following information: your order number, the total amount paid, and the exact date of the wire transfer.
1.Select the country where your account was opened
2.Enter the number of your QIWI purse
3.Enter your password and click the payment button
4.Click on the "pay with QIWI", you will be redirected to the payment details via QIWI
5.Enter your password and click the payment button
6.Your payment will be processed
7.You will be directed to a page with details of the order to confirm

You will be redirected to QIWI website to make a payment from your QIWI Wallet.

5.Can I Arrange Cash On Delivery ?

Yes,  we can support Cash On Delivery for following countries: Bahrain,Kuwait,United Arab Emirates,Oman,Saudi Arabia

You can choose shipping method of Cash On Delivery when it's available

6.When payment page displays an error, what should I do?

If the payment page displays an error, please kindly try to reorder. And if the same thing happens, then please contact Customer Service for help via Live Chat or email to  tomtop.com 

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