How to open a Social Saving group?
1Clink the “Start Social Saving” button in the Product Detail Page;
2Place your order and finish the payment;
3Invite friends to join your saving group;
4Within the validity of a saving group, if you invite enough buyers paying for the item, it will become a successful saving group and full shipment will be delivered. Otherwise, it will be a failure saving group, and full refund will be given to your payment account.
How to join in a Social Saving group?
1Clink the “Join” button;
2Place your order and finish the payment;
3Invite friends to join your saving group;
4Within the validity of a saving group, if you invite enough buyers paying for the item, it will become a successful saving group and full shipment will be delivered. Otherwise, it will be a failure saving group, and full refund will be given to your payment account.